招标采购中技术标书是很重要的文件。它是投标人投标报价的依据 ,也是评标的衡量标准。作者根据从 1985年开始参加卫生部世界银行贷款 10个项目的工作实践 ,将标书总则、技术要求和标书编写方法集中进行描述。这些内容也是对参加此项工作的各省卫生厅、医科大学的专家们多年辛勤工作成绩的总结。
Thchnical bidding document is an importandt document in invite tenders.It is the foundation of tenderer's quoted price and the standard of evaluating tenders.According to the work practice of attending 10 programs organized by Ministry of public Health and loaned from Word Band from 1985,the author expatiates on bidding document's general principle,technical demand and the compiling method of bidding document.The content is also a summarization of the work of the experts from Department of Public Health and medical collgegs.
China Medical Equipment