本稿是本刊以前刊出的〈南宋初期《参同契》文献实态的考察 (上 ) (下 )〉的续篇。一般认为 ,丹经《参同契》为东汉魏伯阳所撰 ,并以现在所知的文献形态传承至今。可是 ,前出论文考察了南宋初期《参同契》文献的实态 ,认为从隋唐五代至南宋初期 ,《参同契》文本实际上一直处在与《龙虎经》《潜通诀》等丹经、丹诀互相混同的不安定状态中 ,当时 ,冠以《参同契》之名却与现行本不同的《参同契》文本大量存在 ,《参同契》也没有获得可为一般人认同的共同解释方向 ,一般认为最早带有内丹倾向的《参同契》注本———五代彭晓注本 ,也直到南宋初期才逐渐为人所知。本稿在上述论考的基础上 ,继续考察了南宋中、后期《参同契》文献的实态。笔者从考察中看出 ,一般所说的起源于《参同契》丹学思想的先天学理论 ,实际与《参同契》无关 ,所谓的先天易学实际上是建立在李之才、邵雍所述的先天卦变说基础上的。笔者还认为 ,在宋代易学史和《参同契》文献演变史中 ,实际上是朱熹第一个提出了先天学起源于《参同契》丹学思想的论说 ,朱熹为了把与《参同契》旧本 (如《道藏》所收无名氏注本、阴注本和郑焕校正本所见彭注本等 )不合的先天学理论导入到《参同契》思想解释中去 ,删除和更改了《参同契》旧本的经文 ,作成了?
The xiantian yixue(先天易学), commonly considered to have originated in Can Tong Qi, was irrelevant with Can Tong Qi. It was based on Li Zhicai and Shao Yong's theories about changes of anterior-heaven trigrams. Zhu Xi was first to propose the idea that xiantian yixue originated in Can Tong Qi. To introduce the xiantian yixue, which was inconsistent with the old version of Can Tong Qi, into the thoughts and explanations of Can Tong Qi, Zhu bowdlerized the text of the old version of Can Tong Qi into the so-called fixed version of Can Tong Qi (Can Tong Qi Kao Yi). Can Tong Qi Kao Yi finished the unstable state of the text and greatly influenced the commentaries of the text.
Religious Studies