The importance of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and (3-endorphin (B-Ep) in shock has been increasingly recognized. Radioim-munoassay on immunoreactive arginine vaso-presin (ir-AVP) and immunoreactive -endor-phin (ir-B-Ep) in plsma samples from 24 burned patients of variable severity showed that ir-AVP and ir-B-Ep increased significantly within 8 hours postburn. The increasing rate of ir-AVP and ir-B-Ep dependeds on the TBSA of the patients. AVP increased to a peak at 16 hour postburn, most noticeable in severely burned patients. B-Ep increased to a peak within 8 hours postburn. Both AVP and B-Ep restored to normal approximately at 48 hour. During the polyurla stage, contents of ir-AVP, Na, and total protein in plasma were less than normal value and glucose was elevated compared with those of the normal uria stage. The change of albumin, urea nitrogen and osmolarity was not marked.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery