
11株巨型艾美耳球虫繁殖力的比较研究 被引量:4

The Reproductive Potential of Eleven Geographical Strains of Eimeria maxima
摘要 用巨型艾美耳球虫扬州株、南通株、连云港株、苏州株、凤阳株、青岛株、福州株、龙岩株、广州株、上海株和美国株孢子化卵囊100个/只或10 000个/只,经嗉囔接种7日龄或21日龄无球虫黄羽肉公雏,以麦克马斯特法对感染后第6天至第14天间每天24 h排出的卵囊计数并进行统计分析.结果表明,各虫株的排卵囊量有差异,100个/只卵囊感染7日龄雏鸡时,广州株和凤阳株排卵囊量最多,上海株和苏州株排卵囊量最少;100个/只卵囊感染21日龄雏鸡时,扬州株排卵囊量最多,上海株排卵囊量最少;10 000个/只卵囊感染21日龄雏鸡时,苏州株排卵囊量最多,连云港株和扬州株的排卵囊量最少;排卵囊量随着感染剂量的增加或鸡日龄的增大而增多;在同一感染剂量时,福州株和连云港株增加最多,上海株和苏州株增加最少;在同一感染鸡日龄时,苏州株和上海株增加最多,南通株和扬州株增加最少;各虫株的排卵囊规律极相似,在感染后第7天排卵囊量达峰值,第8天、第9天排出的卵囊量显著减少,第10天排出的卵囊量仅占总量的2%,第14天接近于0%;第6天至第8天排出的卵囊量占总量的87%~99%. day-old and 21-day-old Suqiu Yellow chickens were inoculated through the crop with 100 or (10 000) oocysts per bird with the eleven geographical strains of E. maxima, respectively. The estimates of oocyst production were made on 24 h fecal samples from 6 to 14 days after inoculation each day. The results showed as follows: Inoculated 100 oocysts at 7-day-old, the oocyst outputs produced from both of GZ and FY strain were the highest,while that of SH strain was the lowest. Inoculated 100 oocysts at 21 -day-old, the oocyst output from YZ strain was the highest, and that of Shanghai strain was the lowest again. Inoculated at 21 day-old and with 10 000 oocysts, the oocyst production from SZ strain was highest, and the both of LYG and YZ strains were the lowest. There was a positive relation between the oocyst output and age of chicken and the inoculated dose respectively. The patterns of oocyst shedding among all the eleven strains were similar, and the oocyst production reached its peak on the 7th day and decreased obviously on the 8th and 9th day after infection. The oocyst production was only 2 % of the total output on the 10th day, and was near to zero on the 14th day. On the 6th-8th days the oocyst output was 87 %~99 % of the total oocyst output.
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 2005年第5期92-96,104,共6页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
基金 江苏省高校重点实验室开放课题(KJS01056) 江苏省教育厅课题(NK0310078)
关键词 巨型艾美耳球虫 地理株 繁殖力 显露期 Eimeria maxima geographical strain reproducibility patent period
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