AbstractThe technique of computer-assisted morphometricanalysis had been utilized to assess the prognosis formany cancers. However,there has not been the reportabout application of this method in esophageal cancer.The nuclear area(A) and nuclear roundness factor(NRF)of epithelial cells of 42 esophageal cancers andten normal esophaguses were measured by morphome-try and the results were compared with the extent ofthe tumor(length,depth and lymph node metastasis),pathologic grades of the cancer,survival time of thepatients, and so on.A and NRF of epithelial cells ofesophageal cancer were significantly larger than thoseof normal esophagus (P<0.001 and P<0.05 respec-tively),In the esophageal cancer group,NRP of ep-ithelial cells of patients with short survival time weresignificantly larger than those of long survival time(P<0.05 ).NRF of epithelial cells of patients with lym-phatic node metastasis were significantly larger thanthose of non-metastasis(P<0.05).A and NRF of ep-ithelial cells were not related with tumor length,inva-sive depth,and position,also not related with patientsex and age. The results comfirmed that nuclear mor-phometry can play an important role in the diagnosis,differential diagnosis and prognosis of esophageal can- cer
Chinese Journal of Surgery