
脊柱旋转度测量尺的研制及意义 被引量:5

Manufacture and usage of a new rotatometer of spine
摘要 本研究用二具脊柱标本,28个椎体在0°~90°连续旋转变化过程中所获得的280张前后位x线片,经选点、测量和电子计算机逐步回归和线性拟合分析,筛选出与脊柱椎体旋转度相关最好的旋转角(θ)为参照点,并建立了直线回归方程。根据回归方程式计算的理论值设计了脊柱旋转度定量测量尺。接测量尺具有可以由前后位脊柱x线相上直接、定量地测量脊柱每一个椎体轴向旋转度,准确性较高(误差≤5°),方法简便、直观,易于普及等特点。它主要适用于实际旋转度≤60°、胸_3至腰_4范围内的特发性脊柱侧凸;某些神经肌肉性脊柱侧凸和一部分先天性脊柱侧凸,半椎体和不分节骨桥以外的其他椎体旋转度的测量;也可以估算成人退行性变引起的腰椎旋转程度。脊柱旋转度定量测量尺的研制对于定量化设计脊柱侧凸畸形的三维矫形手术,研究特发性脊柱侧凸的病因学都具有重要意义。 Abstract The purposes of this research are to study thechanges of some projective points of vertebrae onroentgenogram during consecutive axial rotation and todesign and manufacture a new rotatometer of spine forclinical and research work. Using 2 anatomic specimensof normal spines,aged 10 and 17 years.We took an-teroposterior roentgenograms for each vertebra duringconsecutive axial rotation from 0 th 90 degrees. Someprojective points on the roentgenograms were selected. Changes of the projective points were measured.Thedata were analvsed with the stepwise regression,linearfitting in a microcomputor.The rotatometer was de-signed and manufactured upon the linear regressional e-quation. The results showed that there was an excel-lent correlation between actual rotation of vertebra andchanges of the projective points on anter oposteriorroentgenograms.The distances between the center ofvertebral pedicle and lateral Pdge on convex side of ver-tebra and rotation angle Q were the reliable referenceswhich express the actual axial rotation of vertebra. Wethought that rotation angle Q was the mark which hadadvantages of definition,directness,precision and ex-tended measurable range. The 3 sets of graduationswere used to measure the segments of T_3 ~5,T_7~12 andL_1~4 neuromuscular scoliosis,sorne congenital scoliosisand axial rotation of spine without certain causes inadolescents.Quantitative measurement of scoliotic ro-tation is very important for determinating and selectingschemes of operations on scoliosis. It is also helpful topredict prognosis of scoliosis and evaluate the resuIts ofcorrective operations on spinal deformity.
出处 《中华外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第8期466-469,共4页 Chinese Journal of Surgery
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