在广西植物研究所试验场进行绞股蓝[Gynostemma pentaphyllum(Thunb.) Makino]组培苗栽培试验。试验以5个不同的绞股蓝类型(880 1、880 2、880 3、880 4、880 5 )组培苗和扦插苗分别按小区为单位进行栽培。每小区面积为6 .6 7m2 ,种植5 6株,株行距30 cm×4 0 cm,重复3~4次。观察绞股蓝组培苗的成活率和物候期,测定组培苗的生长量、产量以及绞股蓝皂甙的含量,筛选绞股蓝组培苗的最佳栽培密度。结果表明,绞股蓝组培苗的成活率为10 0 % ,物候期与扦插苗相同;组培苗绞股蓝皂甙含量为1.2 5 % ,与扦插苗的皂甙含量(1.3% )相似;适当密植可以提高绞股蓝组培苗单位面积产量,以行株距30 cm×4 0 cm为最佳;不同类型的组培苗产量不同,每小区鲜草产量8.2 7~2 0 .5 0 kg,以880 4类型产量最高。
The paper reports the results of cultivated experiment of Gynostemma pentaphyllum with plantlets of tissue culture.The results showed that the survival of Gynostemma pentaphyllum with plantlets of tissue culture were 100%.There were uniform phonological phase between plantlets of tissue culture and cutting in Gynostemma pentaphyllum.Content of Gynosaponins of plantlets of tissue culture was 1.25%,Comformed to 1.30% with cutting.It has high yield to be seedlings space of 30×40cm;The yields of 6.67m 2 were 8.27~20.50kg among different types of Gypenoside plantlets of tissue culture,the No.8804 has the highest yield.
Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences