我院35年间诊治的儿童硬脊膜外肿瘤44例,占同期儿童椎管内肿瘤的21.6%。男性多于女性,学龄儿童占所有肿瘤的3/4,并以良性肿瘤为多见,婴幼儿以恶性肿瘤为多见。临床上主要表现为进行性肢体力弱、疼痛及扩约肌障碍,提出脊柱强直为早期诊断椎管内肿瘤的征象。MRI 及脊髓碘油造影为诊断检查的重要依据。指出术中不损伤脊柱小关节及过多咬除椎板,可减少术后脊柱畸形。
This paper reports 44 children with extradural tumor of spine in our hospital in 35 years.This number of children accounts for 21% of all tumors of spinal canal in children.Three-fourths of these children with the extradural tumors of spine were in school age group. Benign extradural tumors of spine were more common in schoolagers,wheras the malignant tumors common in infancy.Most of the children presented a progressive quadriplegia,acrodynia and/or sphincter dysfuntion. The authors suggest that:1)spinal rigidity can be taken as an early sign of spinal canal tumors;2)MR image and myelogrophy may provide the decisive evidences for the diagnosis;3)conservative laminectomy with protection of spinal articulations may avoid late spinal deformity.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery