e reported method for determining total estriol(E_3)in pregnancy urine by high preformance liq-uid chromatography(HPLC)With fluorescence detection E,was extracted by ethyl ether acid hvdrolysis;the extract evdporated,and the residue resoived with mobile phase(methanol/acetonitrile/water=40/17/43)before iniection into chromategraphy Sample components are sepa-rated with C8 coiumn and isocratiealy eluted.The,natural fluorescence of eluted estriol is measured by fiuorescence detector with excitation Wave length at 285nm and emission wave length at 610 nm The within一run CVs were 1.2%. 1. 4% aid 1.5% for32.68,89.16 and 128.19 umol/L of E_3 respectively;between一run CV was 2.4%for 38、37 umol/L and 4.0%for 98.9 1umol/L This method was linear in range of 4.33 to 138.7umol/L(125~40mg/L)The detection limit was 1.8umol/L(0.52mg/L,sig-nal/noise=3)。