报道了简便、快速、准确的微量红细胞己糖激酶连续监测法。己糖激酶对葡萄糖的米氏常数为1.8×10 ̄(-4)mo1/L。指示酶6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶的最适浓度为20U/ml。最适pH为8.25。延迟时间为60秒,线性反应时间从60秒至12分钟。线性范围为0~36.0U/g Hb。批内rv5.15%,批间CV6.89%。天津地区健康成人红细胞己糖激酶活性参考范围为0.75~1.71U/gHb,脐血为0.9~1.5U/gHb,低底物浓度百分比为(55.3±4.3)%。
he authors reported a simple,rapidaccurate and feasible method for continrous monitoring ofhexokinase(HK)in red cells.Km of HK to glucose was 1.8 × 10 ̄(-4)mo1/L.The most appropriate con-centration of indicating enzyme G-6PD was 20U/ml and the most appropriate pH was 8.25.Delay timewas 60 seconds。The time of linear reaction lasted from 60 seconds to 12 minutes,The linear range was0~36U/g Hb;The coefficient of variation(CV)was 5.15%intra assay and 6.89%inter-assay.Thereference value in red cell of mormal aduIts in Tianjin area was 0.79~1.71U/g Hb and(55.3+4.3)%in low substrate concentrated condition.The value in umbilicus was 0.9~1.45U/g Hb blood.