全球化语境中,运用外语进行跨文化的交流,培养跨文化意识已成为一种必然。语言与文化的交流发展使我们有更多的机会接触反映英语国家民族文化的阅读材料,英语幽默便是其中的一种,它可以分为情景幽默和语言幽默。许多人由于缺乏文化背景知识,无法从语言中品味出其社会文化底蕴,难以真正了解和欣赏其幽默之处。因而, 在英语教学中,适当地引导学生学习和欣赏各种幽默材料,不仅可以使课堂教学变得生动活泼,还能让学生更好地在潜移默化中融入西方文化。
With the rapid development of the globalization, cultivating the cross - cultural awareness becomes essentially important and necessary. Among the various reading materials, English humor, which can be divided into situational humor and linguistic humor, acts as an important tool for the understanding of the various cultures. Thus a helpful guide to various materials of English humor by English teachers can enliven the class as well as bring up a cultural awareness to the students.
Journal of Shaoguan University