

Naming and Burial Practices of the Atayal People in Miaoli County,Taiwan——A Historian's Observations and Reflections
摘要 以19~20世纪末台湾苗栗地区泰雅族人的命名与墓葬习俗的变迁为主要研究对象,藉以理解清代以来不同地区的土著居民如何被整合到由汉文化主导的统治秩序的过程的某些侧面。作为一个没有自身文字传统的社群,泰雅族人的命名与墓葬习惯,在不同的时候,分别受到清政府、日本殖民地政府,以及国民政府的政策的影响。其中,采纳汉姓汉名,更导致当代泰雅人在想象与表达自己的世系和祖先观念,以及进行祭祀活动时,发生了根本性的变化。 Investigating the changing of naming and burial practices among the Atayal people in Miaoli county, Taiwan at the end of 19th.and 20th century, this paper attempts to secure a better understanding of how indigenous population has been integrated into Han-dominated cultural hierarchy since the Qing Dynasty. As a society without its own literacy tradition,Atayal people have been interfered in theis naming and burial practices by the policies of the Qing government, the Japanese colonial government, and the Kuomintang government. Their adoption of Han-Chinese surnames has led to fundamental changes in their imagination and narration of their ancestry, as well as in their ancestral worship practices.
作者 程美宝
出处 《广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期44-53,共10页 Journal of Guangxi University For Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
基金 牛津大学与台北顺益原住民博物馆合作项目
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