选择性激光烧结(Selective Laser Sintering,SLS)成形过程中,粉末温度是决定制件精度、质量的重要因素之一。过去我们分别采用了热电偶、红外测温仪测温,但由于粉末厚度为0.1-0.5 mm,并且粉末随粉床下降而下降,上面又由铺粉辊铺上新的粉末,导致测温效果都不太理想。为此,我们研究了影响两者测量温度误差的主要因素,并给出了补偿方法,应用于华中科技大学快速成形中心开发的HRPS-ⅢA粉末烧结系统中,取得了良好的效果。
During the manufacturing period of SLS, Temperature is one of the most important factors that affects the precision and intensity. It formerly doesn' t achieve our wanted result successfully that we use the thermocouple and infrared temperature surveying to measure temperature. Because the thickness of powder is just 0.1 -0.5mm , besides, with the drop of the bed of powder, it will pave a layer of new powder. Exposes the cause of the error and gives out the analysis and the discussion in the main factors, and some compensation on improving temperature measurement accuracy are presented. Using in the HRPS- Ⅲ A SLS system developed by Huazhong University of science and Technology acquires satisfiable result.
Modern Machinery