Located in the Ping'an Yu, 2 kilometers to the west of Yu Mausoleum in the East Qing Royal'Tombs, Ding Mausoleum is the fourth one of the East Qing Royal'tombs, which serves as the final palace of the Qing Wen Zong Yi zhu and his queen Sakerla. Ping'an Yu was selected as the Ever Place by the emperor Yi zhu himself at the 2nd year of Xianfeng(1852), and the construction began in the 9th year of Xianfeng, but it was finished in the 4th year of Tongzhi(1865) for various reasons. Some of the designs look like that of Mu Mausoleum, some look like the comeback of ancestor, while others are the combination of the two.The paper also analyses the causes why Ding Mausoleum adopted the system of the Baohuaya Ever Place. Ding Mausoleum is steep geographically and therefore the mileage is short,the layout is tight.As a result of the influence of Mu Mausoleum and the limitatim of Fengshui and the lanscape the form of construction and the layout of Ding Mausoleum were also of many particular characteristics. Ding Mausoleum’s system is the transition from the preceding to the following in the phylogeny of the Qing Mausoleum system,so the important position of Ding Mausoleum can't be neglected.
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology(Social Science Edition)