
雌激素对绝经后血管性痴呆患者血脂的影响 被引量:1

Effect of estrogen on lipid metabolism in post-menopausal women with vascular dementia
摘要 目的:探讨雌激素(E)水平对绝经后血管性痴呆(VD)患者血脂,认知功能的影响。方法:绝经后VD组56例,随机分为干预组和安慰剂组,分别予雌三醇类缓释剂或安慰剂(2mg/次或1片/次,每月2次)治疗4个月,分别于0、4个月末抽血测定血浆雌二醇水平(E2),胆固醇(TC),甘油三酯(TG),高密度脂蛋白-胆固醇(HDL-C),低密度脂蛋白-胆固醇(LDL-C)及脂蛋白(а)水平,简易智能量表(MMSE)测定认知功能。结果:经过雌三醇类缓释剂干预治疗4个月后,绝经后妇女HDL-C明显上升(P<0.01),LDL-C及Lp(а)显著下降(P<0.05和P<0.01〉,MMSE评分提高(P<0.05〉。结论:雌激素替代治疗可改善绝经后VD患者的血脂构成,提高认知功能。 Objective:To study the effect of estrogen on lipid metabolism and cognition in post-menopausal women with vascular dementia(VD).Methods:56cases of VD were assigned to two groups randomly.They were received nilestrial replacement therapy or placebo treatment respectively for four months.After0,4th month of treatment,serous estradiol(E2),the level of cholesterol(TC),trilyceride(TG),high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C),low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C)and lipoprotein(а)[LP(а)] were measured,cognition were measured by mini-mental state examination(MMSE)too.Results:After nilestrial treatment,the level of HDL-C was increased(P<0.01),the levels of LDL-C and LP(а)were decreased(P<0.05,P<0.01).MMSE was raised in the VD group(P<0.05).Conclusion:Estrogen reˉplacement therapy is effective to lipid metabolism and cognition of post-menopausal women with VD.
出处 《现代医药卫生》 2005年第13期1637-1638,共2页 Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
关键词 雌激素 血管性痴呆 血脂 认知功能 绝经期 Estrogen Vascular dementia Lipid metabolism Cognition
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