对镇江地区1986~1991年221例职业烧伤病例进行了分析总结。本组平均年龄31.2岁,男性占83.4%,79.6%的病人在伤后24 h 内入院。首位致伤原因为火焰(33%)。平均烧伤面积17.1%,平均Ⅲ度面积8.1%。8.1%的病人并发吸人性损伤。本组死亡率为1.8%。平均住院时间34.3天,平均住院费用3千余元。文章强调对职业烧伤的现场急救和正确的早期处理,讨论了降低职业烧伤发病率的初步设想,旨在为劳保部门和其它地区职业烧伤研究提供参考。
During the 5 years from June 1986 to June 1991,221 patients were ad- mitted to our department of burn surgery because of occupation-related burns.The aver- age age was 31.2 years,and 83.4 per cent was male.Most of the patients (79.6 per cent)were referred to our hospital within 24 h of their injury.The most common etio- logy was flame(33.0 per cent).The mean body surface area of all 221 cases was 17.1 per cent,with a mean full-thickness component of 8.1 per cent.Complications:inhala- tion injury 18 cases(8.1 per cent);sepsis 5 cases (2.3 per cent)confirmed by positive blood cultures at an average time of 10.2 days postburn,and the commonest organism was pseudomonas aeruginosa;pneumonia 5 cases (2.3 per cent).The mortality of these 221 cases was 1.8 per cent.The average time of stay in our hospital was 34.3 clays.The total expenditure was about 740 000 Yuan.First aid on the spot and early correct treat- ment are stressed.It is essential to put prevention first,and the measures to lower the incidence of occupation-related burns were discussed to serve as a reference for labor protection department and occupation related burns institute.