总结了6年来所行51例眼球尚存的眶骨骨折畸形的手术治疗经验。包括男34人、女17人。我们认为:术前的仔细检查、拍 X 线片及 CT,据以制定手术方案;手术采用冠状切口或附加睑下缘切口;到达眶上缘后在骨膜下剥离,松解嵌顿的软组织,使眼球复位;显露眶骨缺损处,取肋骨充填:将断裂移位的内眦韧带复位固定等步骤,是保证手术后外形功能改善的关键。
In last six years,51 cases (34 males,17 females) of orbital deformities caused by fracture were treated.According to careful examinations,x-ray and CT scan, the operation plan was made.The coronal incision or plus lower eyelid incision were em- ployed.Subperiosteal dissection began from the upper margin of the orbit to release in- put soft tissue and reposition the eyeball.Rib bone was grafted for orbital defects.Can- thoplasty was used if necessary.The surgical results were satisfactory.