Abstract Advanced primary hepatic carcinoma was
treated in 110 patients by percuaneous transhepatic arteri-al chemoembolization (TAE)from
January 1987 to October 1989 according to Seldinge’s protocolwith mitomycin C,Adriamycin
or carboplatin and 40%iodized oil.The treatment was given once every4~12 weeks and the
number of treatment for each patient varied from 2 to 19 depending on patients’condition and
response.Of the 110 patients ,20 survived>3years,among which 7 survived>4 yearsand
4survived >5 years.Following treatment,a greater than 50%reduction of tumor size was
observed in 13 cases and a decrease in AFP to normal level in 12 cases.Seven patients were
treated with TAEfollowed by tumor resection and,2 patients were treated with TAE due to
recurrence after tumorresection 11 patients were treated with TAE alone.The mean survival
period was 53.1 and 43.5months,respectively.TAE is considered as the first choice of palliative
treatment for patients with advanced hepatic carcinoma.Factors that might influence the result
of TAE treatment are discussed .
Chinese Journal of Oncology