
敷料负压技术结合紫草油纱布在皮肤感染创面中应用的研究 被引量:5

Observation of the wound healing with vacuum sealing technique and the extract of Arnebia euchroma Tohnst
摘要 目的:观察负压封闭技术结合紫草油纱布治疗创面的效果。方法:采用敷料负压技术结合紫草油纱布对不同感染创面进行处理。结果:经过该方法处理创面后创面愈合时间缩短。结论:敷料负压技术结合紫草油纱布处理创面与传统的方法相比较,具有创面愈合速度加快、降低交叉感染的优点。 objective: To observe the effect of vacuum-cealing technique and the extract of Arnebia euchroma Tohnst on the wound healing. Methods: The patients with the wound were treated with vacuum sealing technique and the extract of Arnebia euchroma Tohnst. Results: After dealing with the wound, sealing time of wound were be shorten. Conclusion :This technique compaved with the traditional method is simple, sealing property is good, the wound healing speech is rapid and cross infection opportunity is rare.
机构地区 莱芜市人民医院
出处 《中医药学刊》 2005年第6期1136-1137,共2页 Study Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 负压 紫草油 创面愈合 vacuum extract of Amebia euchroma Tohnst wound healing
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