报道采自河南的兜姬蜂属Dolichomitus Smith 1新种:济源兜姬蜂Dolichomitus jiyuanensis Lin, sp. nov.。模式标本保存在国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站。
A new species of genus Dolichomitus Smith, 1877 collected from Henan Province was reported. Dolichomitus jiyuanensis Lin, sp.nov. (Figs. 1~4) Holotype: ♀ , Jiyuan County, Henan Province, 25-Ⅴ -1989, coll. NIU Yao; Paratype: 1♀, Lushi County, Henan Province, 26-Ⅴ-2004, coll. LIN Xiao-An & SHENG Mao-Ling. This species is similar to D. nakamurai (Uchida), and can be distinguished from the latter by: upper tooth of mandible about as long as lower tooth; postocellar line about 0.88 time as long as ocular-ocellar line; coxae, trochanters and femora of hind legs reddish brown. Etymology: The new species is named after the species location.