Al-Si coating were prepared on nickel-base superalloy K41044 by slurry process. Three Al-Si coating were formed by change adding amount of agglo menant. The high temperature performance of the three Al-Si coating were studied by static high temperature oxidation test under 1000℃×200h. Morphology and cr oss section of these coating were studied by SEM. The results show that the thre e Al-Si coating have good oxidation resistance. The three Al-Si coating formed θ-Al2O3 in the early stage, which transform to α-Al2O3 with time prolonging. A l-Si coating which add a littlt CrO3 finishing transforming from θ-Al2O3 to α- Al2O3 more quickly and its oxide scales formed is more compact. So the Al-Si coa ting adding a little CrO3 have better oxidation resistance than Al-Si coating ad ding no CrO3 and Al-Si coating adding a lot of CrO3.
Hot Working Technology