
Hemodynamics Simulation of Stenosed Coronary Bypass Graft

Hemodynamics Simulation of Stenosed Coronary Bypass Graft
摘要 By means of FEM, the physiologi cal blood flow in coronary bypass graft is simula ted. The stenosis in coronary artery is involved in the graft model, and the def ormation of graft end to allow the surgical suture with a smaller diameter coron ary is taken into consideration. The flow pattern, secondary flow and wall shear stress in the vicinity of anastomosis are analyzed. It is shown that a zone of low wall stress and high wall stress gradient exists downstream the toe. The flo or opposed to the anastomosis is an area of high wall stress and high wall stres s gradient. Both the toe downstream and the anastomosis bottom floor are prone t o intimal hyperplasia. By means of FEM, the physiologi cal blood flow in coronary bypass graft is simula ted. The stenosis in coronary artery is involved in the graft model, and the def ormation of graft end to allow the surgical suture with a smaller diameter coron ary is taken into consideration. The flow pattern, secondary flow and wall shear stress in the vicinity of anastomosis are analyzed. It is shown that a zone of low wall stress and high wall stress gradient exists downstream the toe. The flo or opposed to the anastomosis is an area of high wall stress and high wall stres s gradient. Both the toe downstream and the anastomosis bottom floor are prone t o intimal hyperplasia.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2005年第1期7-16,共10页 中国生物医学工程学报(英文版)
基金 supported by The Educational Ministry of China.
关键词 HEMODYNAMICS Numerical simulation Coronary bypass Wall shear stress 血液动力学 动脉狭窄 冠状动脉 旁路血管移植
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