

The relation between the system and operation of aesthetic and medical organ and management risks
摘要 目的探索从制度安排层面,如何控制和规避医疗美容风险。方法比较了我国医疗美容机构体制差异与承担风险的形式;归纳了医疗美容机构运作的形式、内容和目的;分析了运作体系与风险形成的关系。结果美容医疗机构的企业形式决定其法人或自然人承担医疗风险的有限责任或无限连带责任;传播运作可以解决机构知名度问题;技术和服务运作可以解决医疗美容质量度问题。结论追求传播运作提升的知名度越高,而技术与服务质量不能相应提高,运作中的风险积累因素将增多;技术运作和服务运作水平的提高,是控制和规避医疗美容风险的关键,二者的交叉互补,可提升求美消费者的体验值,缓冲市场传播运作知名度过高的期望值,最大限度地规避以医疗纠纷为主的医疗美容风险。 Objective From the arranged level of aesthetic and medical organ system in our country, we′ll explore how to control and avoide its risks. Methods We have compared the difference of aesthetic and medical organ systems as well as the forms of bearing risks, sumed up the form, content and purpose of the operation, analysed the relation between operating systems and formation of risks. Results The enterprise form of aesthetic and medical organ has determed limited liability or unlimited being related to liabilities of bearing risks borne by legal person or natural persons. The noted problem of aesthetic and medical organ can be solved by propagating operation, and the quality problems of aesthetic and medical treatment can be solved by tech and service operation. Conclusion The factors of risks will be increasing more and more if the notedness of propagating the operations is high and the technique and service quality can not keep pace with the continuous promotion. To raise the level of the technique and service operation is the key to control and avoid the aesthetic and medical risks. The technique and service operation can intersect each other alternately and the consumeris experience for it can be promoted constantly, and the over-valued expectation of the notedness through propagating the operations can be buffered effectually, so the aesthetic and medical risks caused by the aesthetic and medical treatment disputes can be avoided mostly.
出处 《中国实用美容整形外科杂志》 2005年第3期190-192,共3页
关键词 企业形式 医疗美容机构 运作体系 风险 医疗纠纷 Form of enterprise Aesthetic and medical organ Operating system Risk Disputes of aesthetic and medical treatment
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