
运动员视觉保健(英文) 被引量:1

Vision care for athletes
摘要 视觉作为在人类多种感观认识功能中占主导地位的感知方式,对体育竞技中的各类感觉运动性活动具有举足轻重的作用。运动视觉的医疗职能包括①预防和治疗体育和竞技运动中造成的眼部损伤。②评估和矫正某些影响协调性运动机能的视功能异常。③针对体育运动的环境性因素展开专业性的角膜接触镜业务,并对一些对眼动、视力和应急状态具有特殊要求的竞技项目提供帮助。④基于视觉和环境等因素的考虑,向专业运动员提供特制的眼部保护装置和助视仪器。⑤评估与某些竞技运动项目密切相关的视觉功能及技巧。⑥通过对运动员的视功能强化训练进而提高其运动成绩。⑦向运动员、教练员或整个团队提供有助于提高运动成绩的视觉功能及技巧的咨询。人们一直都很关注视觉功能与运动成绩之间的联系,许多专家与临床医生都试图寻求与特定的运动技能相关的特殊视觉技巧,进而建立精确的方法予以评估。运动员具有比非运动员更好的视觉功能,而与一般的运动员比较,顶尖水平的运动员往往从优异的视觉功能中获益更大。不同的视觉功能对于帮助运动员取得优秀成绩的作用在运动项目中是有所差异的。运动视觉专家必须区分出哪些视功能是与运动相关的关键性的视功能,并用最恰当的方法对其进行评估。不同的运动项目,对视觉功能的要求也常常不同。运动员的验光矫正包括运动或娱乐过程中配戴特制的框架眼镜及角膜接触镜。在决定最佳处方的同时,应考虑最适合的镜片种类、镜框设计、染色特征和应考虑的安全防护因素。基于运动和环境需要的角膜接触镜染色工艺是目前正在研究和发展中的高新技术,其产品即将面世,在运动或娱乐场所的不同光照环境下能够减少眩光,提高视觉舒适性,增强视功能。运动型太阳眼镜光学性能的改善和上述染色型角膜接触镜的发展,将为运动员们减少眩光提供了可能的解决方法。为运动员们提供视觉保健时,首先应予考虑的问题是减少在训练和比赛中的眼部损伤。通常在采用了这些眼保措施后,绝大多数损伤是可以避免的。运动员所接收的视觉信息的质量和各种感观接收器提供的大量反馈信息是影响其赛场表现的关键因素。技巧性动作的熟练程度和运动员以往的经验对于运动系统(肌肉)运行的有效性和效率的影响是不可估量的。有天赋的运动员能够稳定而持久地在赛场发挥出色,而且似乎一点都不费力。通过筛选出对运动影响显著的视功能并加以强化训练,进而提高运动员成绩已成为可能。专业人士已经设计出多种视功能训练方案以改善视觉技巧和与视觉相关的运动技巧,并提高视觉信息传递过程中的效率。眼科保健工作者可以采用很多方法来帮助运动员尽量发挥其潜能。通过分析与运动员从事的运动最相关的视功能,可以指导眼科保健工作者选择最适合的矫正模式,如最佳的配戴设计、染色、角膜接触镜参数以及保护方案等。当眼保健工作者选择视觉训练来矫正功能不足或强化与运动相关的视功能时,需要和运动员进行交流,使其积极配合。结果表明,不但是那些顶尖的运动员能从我们的医疗服务中获益,而且各种人群因为接受训练进而改善了视功能并提高了自身的生活质量。 There is a long history of discussion, speculation and research concerning the role of vision and visual information processing in sports. There is little debate that vision is a critical factor in sports performance, or that visual information is the dominant sensory system when performing practically any perceptual-motor task such as those encountered in sports~[1~5] . The visual physiology attributes of athletes have been studied extensively, and compared to 'nonathletes', novices or athletes of varying skill levels. There are some who believe that the literature supports the opinion that athletes possess superior visual systems that allow them to see and process critical visual information better than their peers~[5~9] , while others contend that the literature does not support the opinion that visual system physiology is superior, but that elite athletes are able to use available visual information more efficiently and effectively than novices in the sport situation~[10~13] . The term 'sports vision' has been used to describe many vision care services provided to athletes. It has been noted that practitioners working in this area usually are involved with one or more of the following professional activities~[14] :a. Prevention and management of sports eye injuries; b. Assessment and remediation of functional vision inefficiencies that may negatively impact competitive consistency; c. Specialized contact lens services with emphasis on environmental factors in sports, position of gaze factors, emergency care, and attainment of maximum visual acuity; d. Performance-based ophthalmic eyewear services that address visual and environmental demands; e. Assessment of specific sports-related visual abilities. f. Enhancement training of specific visual abilities that are considered to be essential for competitive consistency for a specific sport activity. g. Consultation with athletes, coaches, trainers, and teams regarding visual factors and strategies related to consistent peak athletic performance.
出处 《眼视光学杂志》 2005年第2期73-75,共3页 Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology
关键词 视觉保健 运动员 视功能 vision care athlete visual function
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