There is a long history of discussion, speculation and research concerning the role of vision and visual information processing in sports. There is little debate that vision is a critical factor in sports performance, or that visual information is the dominant sensory system when performing practically any perceptual-motor task such as those encountered in sports~[1~5] . The visual physiology attributes of athletes have been studied extensively, and compared to 'nonathletes', novices or athletes of varying skill levels. There are some who believe that the literature supports the opinion that athletes possess superior visual systems that allow them to see and process critical visual information better than their peers~[5~9] , while others contend that the literature does not support the opinion that visual system physiology is superior, but that elite athletes are able to use available visual information more efficiently and effectively than novices in the sport situation~[10~13] . The term 'sports vision' has been used to describe many vision care services provided to athletes. It has been noted that practitioners working in this area usually are involved with one or more of the following professional activities~[14] :a. Prevention and management of sports eye injuries; b. Assessment and remediation of functional vision inefficiencies that may negatively impact competitive consistency; c. Specialized contact lens services with emphasis on environmental factors in sports, position of gaze factors, emergency care, and attainment of maximum visual acuity; d. Performance-based ophthalmic eyewear services that address visual and environmental demands; e. Assessment of specific sports-related visual abilities. f. Enhancement training of specific visual abilities that are considered to be essential for competitive consistency for a specific sport activity. g. Consultation with athletes, coaches, trainers, and teams regarding visual factors and strategies related to consistent peak athletic performance.
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology
vision care
visual function