

Reagent evaluation of using Pacific Hemostasis fibrinogen reagent on sysmex CA-coagulant-meter
摘要 [目的]在CA-血凝仪上用原装德灵(DadeBehring)公司的纤维蛋白原(Fbg)试剂(ThrombinReagent),对太平洋(PacificHemostasis)公司的Fbg试剂(Thrombin500)进行评价。[方法]①分别用德灵公司的Fbg试剂及太平洋公司的Fbg试剂对20例正常对照、10例高Fbg值血浆、10例低Fbg值血浆的Fbg值进行测定,分析相关性。并同时做两公司的质控。②分别用两公司复溶24h试剂(冰箱保存)及新复溶试剂对上述标本进行测定,比较试剂稳定性。(缓冲液用当天新从冰箱取出的缓冲液)③分别用两公司室温放置24h的缓冲液和当天新从冰箱取出缓冲液测定上述标本比较缓冲液稳定性。(试剂为当天新复溶试剂)[结果]德灵公司Fbg试剂与太平洋公司Fbg试剂相关性良好。r=0.992,P>0.05。太平洋公司复溶24hFbg试剂稳定性同德灵公司复溶24hFbg试剂稳定性r=0.998,P>0.05。德灵公司室温放置24h缓冲液Fbg均值下降0.41。r=0.993,P<0.01,太平洋公司室温放置24h缓冲液Fbg均值下降0.54,r=0.995P<0.01,太平洋公司缓冲液稳定性比德灵公司缓冲液稳定性稍差。[结论]在CA-血凝仪上使用价格便宜的太平洋公司Fbg试剂代替原装德灵公司Fbg试剂,即可降低成本,同时又能得到准确的实验结果。 [Objectives] Using the Dade behring original package fibrinogen(Fbg) reagent (Thrombin Reagent) evaluates the Pacific Hemostasis Fbg reagent(Thrombin 500) on sysmex CA-coagulant- meter [Methods]①Using the Dade behring Fbg reagent and the Pacific Hemostasis Fbg reagent measured the levels of Fbg in 20 normal control and 10 high levels of Fbg, 10 low levels of Fbg. analysis the relativity.at the same time measured the two company’s control.②Using the two company’s new dissolved Fbg reagent and dissolved 24 h Fbg reagent(stored at refrigerator) measured the levels of Fbg ,to compare the stability of reagent .(using the new buffer liquid that taked out from refrigerator).③Using the two company’s buffer liquid of room temperature places 24h and new buffer liquid of very day measured the levels of Fbg,to compare the stability of buffer liquid.(the Fbg reagent is new dissolved)[Re- sults] The Pacific Hemostasis Fbg reagent have good relativity compare with the Dade behring Fbg reagentr=0.992,P>0.05, the stability of the Pacific Hemostasis dissolved 24h Fbg reagent equal to the stability of the Dade behring dissolved 24 h Fbg reagentr= 0.998,P>0.05 , the Dade behring buffer liquid of room temperature places 24 h can make the average levels of Fbg descent 0.41 r=0.993,P<0.01. the Pacific Hemostasis buffer liquid of room temperature places 24 h can make the average levels of Fbg de- scent 0.54,r= 0. 995,P< 0. 01. The stability of the Pacific Hemostasis buffer liquid is not good as The stability of the Dade behring buffer liquid .[Conclusion] The cheaper Pacific Hemostasis Fbg reagent replace the Dade behring Fbg reagent on CA-coagu- lant-meter can get accurate result at the same time reducing the cost .
出处 《大连医科大学学报》 CAS 2005年第3期240-241,共2页 Journal of Dalian Medical University
关键词 太平洋纤维蛋白原试剂 CA-血凝仪 评价 <Keyword>Pacific Hemostasis Fbg reagent CA-coagulant-meter evaluate
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