
基于垂直网站的网络信息支持系统研究 被引量:7

Framework of Web Information Service System Based on Vertical Portal
摘要 网络信息支持系统是指根据用户的偏好,为用户主动搜集、筛选和推送网上信息的主动式信息服务系统。讨论了网络信息支持系统的概念、作用,分析了基于垂直网站的信息支持系统的特点和逻辑功能,给出了系统的逻辑模型,对系统开发研制中的关键技术进行了研究。 The WISS(Web Information Service System) is an initiative service system,searching and downloading, filtering and pushing information for the users according to each of their preferences. In this paper the concept and significance of the ISS are discussed, the special features and logical functions of ISS based on vertical portal are analyzed, and the model of framework of the ISS is presented. The crucial techniques on system developing have been studied.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期105-107,共3页 Application Research of Computers
关键词 网络信息支持系统 垂直网站 搜索引擎 WEB使用挖掘 WISS(Web Information Service System) Vertical Portal Web Search Engine Web Usage Mining
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