[WT10.HZ] Objective To study the heterogeneities transmural of sodium (I_ Na) current and trsansient outward current (I_ to) among epicardial(Epi), midmyocardial (M) and endocardial (Endo) myocytes from rabbit left ventricle. Methods Myocytes were dissociated enzymatically, I_ Na and I_ to were recorded using whole-cell patch clamp techniques. Heterogeneities transmural of I_ Na and I_ to was compared. [WT10.HZ]Results ①I_ Na current density of the three subtypes of myocytes were volta-dependent. M had the largest I_ Na density and Epi the smallest at the same test potential. M cells inactivated faster than the other two types. There were no significant differences in the I_ Na recovery curves from inactivation among the three subtypes of myocytes. ②I_ to density of the three subtypes of myocytes were voltage-dependent. Epi had the largest while Endo had smallest I_ to density. The I_ to density in Epi cells was larger than in M and Endo. I_ to inactivated faster in Epi cells than in the other two subtypes, and there was no significant difference among the three subtypes of myocytes in recovery courses. The heterogeneities of transmural I_ Na and I_ to may be the ionic bases of differences in morphology of action potentials among three subtypes of myocytes and reentant arrhythmias.
Basic and Clinical Medicine