目前大学英语作文批阅仍沿用传统的批阅法,不能适应大规模英语教学的要求。本文在总结中外作文批阅法并分析其优劣的基础上,调查分析了当前大学英语作文通行批阅法的弊端,将语言特征电脑软件分析和非语言特征教师层次剖析及教师指导下的学生自改互改法引入大学英语作文批阅中,从宏观(macro-level)、中观(meta-level )与微观(micro-level)三个层面进行评阅,力图处理好语言特征分析与非语言特征评价的关系,处理好肯定与否定的关系,以求提高英语作文批阅的效率和效果。
The currently-adopted English composition revision approaches, following the traditional uphold methods, cannot meet the requirements of big classes for non-English majors. On the basis of summarization of composition revision approaches and of analysis of their respective advantages and disadvantages, the thesis conducts a survey of the merits and demerits of the currently-adopted methods, introducing the integrated approach into the English composition revision. Softwares will be used to analyze the language characteristics, tutors will check out the non-linguistic features and students are encouraged to revise compositions with each other, by which compositions will be macroscopically, meta-scopically and microscopically revised. The relationship between language and non-language characteristics as well as position and negation will be well balanced, achieving efficiency and effectiveness of English composition revision.
Journal of Xingtai Polytechnic College