Aiming at boosting the low ultraviolet (UV)re-sponsivity induced by thenegative impact of the surface 'dead layer' in silicon-based conventional photodiode (CPD), Siphotodiodes with five different structures, including both the novel grid structurephotodiode(GSPD)and CPD, have been manufactured using thermal diffusion process and tested. The results show thatthe UV responsivity around 365 nm of GSPD could be as high as 6 times that of CPD, while the highvisible (VIS) responsivity is sharply suppressed by the employment of grid shaped junction (GSJ) inthe GSPD, which has realized the expectation of selective UV enhancement with prospect forapplication.
Aiming at boosting the low ultraviolet (UV)re-sponsivity induced by thenegative impact of the surface 'dead layer' in silicon-based conventional photodiode (CPD), Siphotodiodes with five different structures, including both the novel grid structurephotodiode(GSPD)and CPD, have been manufactured using thermal diffusion process and tested. The results show thatthe UV responsivity around 365 nm of GSPD could be as high as 6 times that of CPD, while the highvisible (VIS) responsivity is sharply suppressed by the employment of grid shaped junction (GSJ) inthe GSPD, which has realized the expectation of selective UV enhancement with prospect forapplication.
SupportedbytheFoundationofStatekeyLabora toryofTransducerTechnologyofShanghai(SKt0401)