[目的] 了解虹口区孕妇弓形虫感染现状及孕妇对弓形虫感染的知晓率,分析卫生习惯与感染率的关系。 [方法] 在2家医院中对来院作产前检查的孕妇以问卷方式进行弓形虫知识知晓率的调查,并采血样用ELISA法检测弓形虫IgM及IgG抗体水平。 [结果] 共调查1 075例孕妇,发现弓形虫血清学阳性者(均为IgG) 35例,总感染率为3. 26%。本地区孕妇感染率为2. 57%,显著低于外来孕妇的感染率( 2=7.86,P<0.01)。有宠物密切接触史的孕妇感染率明显高于无此行为者( 2=9.23,P<0.01);未发现有或无不良饮食习惯人群的感染率有显著性差异;本地区孕妇弓形虫感染者曾发生异常妊娠的比例高于外来孕妇;受调查人群对相关知识知晓率低。 [结论] 应在育龄期妇女中普及有关弓形虫感染的卫生宣教,将弓形虫检测列为孕期常规检测项目,提高人口素质。
Objective] To study the toxoplasma infection rate and knowledge about toxoplama in pregnant women in Hongkou district, Shanghai and to analyze the relationship between hygienic habit and the infection. [Methods] Pregnant women came to these two hospitals for prenatal examination were included in this study as objects. Blood specimens were collected and tested for anti-toxoplasma IgG and IgM by ELISA. Knowledge of toxoplasma were collected and analyzed. [Results] One thousand and seventy five pregnant women were included in this study. Anti-toxoplama IgG positive was found in 35 pregnant women, and there was no positive for anti-toxoplama IgM found. The total positive rate was 3.26%. The positive rate (2.57%) of native women was significantly lower than that (6.63%) of women immigrated from other provinces (2=7.86, P<0.01). The difference of positive rate was also found between women with (7.70%) and without (2.65%) history of close contact with pets, such as cats and dogs (2=9.23, P<0.01). There was not enough evidence for the support of the relationship between habit of eating half-cooked food and anti-toxoplama IgG positive rate. The percentage of abnormal pregnancy or confinement among native women was higher than those coming from other provinces. The result on knowledge of toxoplasma survey showed that these women had little knowledge of toxoplasma infection. [Conclusion] To popularize education of toxoplasmosis in woman of child bearing age and examine anti-body for toxoplasma is significant to reduce the birth of babies with toxoplasmosis and improve the quality of population.
Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine
Pregnant women
Infection rate