Objective To study the effect of psychologica l interventi on on the mental health and the way of coping for parents of children with schizophrenia。Methods 42 children patients’ parents were selected for ps ychological intervention. Symptom self-evaluation Table (SCL-90),questiona ire s of way of coping were used for effectiveness evaluation before and after inte rvention 。Results There are significant difference in total score o f SCL-90 and related f actor before and after intervention compared with domestic Routine model(P<0.01 ).In the way of coping ,The scale of negative coping way of children patients ’ mother is higher ,There are significant difference between that of father (P <0.01),After intervention ,the ways of coping that avoidence,self-blamed were re duced;The ways of coping that helping and problem resolving were raised, the dif ference is significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Parents of children patients with schizophrenia have more mental disorders,psychological intervention can effectively improve their mental health and chan ge the negative way of coping
China Journal of Health Psychology