研究了SrAl2 O4 :Eu2 +,Dy3+长余辉材料的一种新合成方法。首先利用水热法制备出该发光材料的前驱体,然后将此前驱体粉体在还原气氛下高温烧结,得亮度高,余辉时间长的SrAl2 O4 :Eu2 +,Dy3+超细长余辉材料,并对其发光性能进行了研究。并对水热法和复合沉淀法合成的此种材料进行了比较。
A new synthesis method of SrAl 2O 4: Eu 2+ , Dy 3+ Phosphorescent Material is introduced in this paper. The precursor of this phosphor was prepared by hydrothermal method firstly; then it was sintering under high temperature and reductive air. The excitation spectrum, emission spectrum and long afterglow phosphorescent property have been measured. The long afterglow property of SrAl 20 4: Eu 2+ , Dy 3+ Phosphorescent Material prepared by hydrothermal method and complex-precipitation method were also compared in this paper.
Jiangxi Chemical Industry