目的 观察泪囊鼻腔吻合术、鼻泪管逆行硅胶管植入术及鼻泪管激光重建术治疗慢性泪囊炎的临床疗效。方法 将慢性泪囊炎患者2 43例(3 0 4眼)按照随机的原则分成3组:第1组(泪囊鼻腔吻合术组) ,第2组(鼻泪管逆行硅胶管植入术组) ,第3组(鼻泪管激光重建术组) ,观察手术后连续1月溢泪及冲洗泪道通畅情况。结果 第1组10 2眼中治愈92眼(90 . 19%) ;第2组10 1眼中治愈79眼(78 .2 2 %) ;第3组10 1眼治愈92眼(91 .0 9%)。第2组与第1组比较P <0 .0 5 ,差异有显著意义’第3组与第1组比较P >0 . 0 5 ,差异无显著意义。结论 3种术式相比较第1种与第3种手术方法治愈率较高,而且二者相近。但是第3种术式创伤小,对于年老体弱不能接受第1种者尤其适合,此外,它无需皮肤切口,颜面部不留瘢痕,不影响外观,而且操作简便。
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of three different methods on treating chronic dacryocystitis:dacryocystorhinostomy(EXTDCR),silicon nasolacrimal intubation(SNI) and laser lacryocystoplasty(LL). Methods 243 patients (304 eyes) with chronic dacryocystitis were divided into three groups:group 1 accepted EXTDCR,group 2 accepted SNI,group 3 accepted LL.The condition of epiphora and syringing of the lacrimal passage were observed in the first month after the operation continuously. Results Group1:There were 92 eyes cured among 102 eyes(90.19%).Group2:There were 79 eyes cured among 101 eyes(78.22%).Group3:There were 92 eyes cured among 101 eyes (91.09%).There is significant difference between group2 and group1, P<0.05.There is no significant difference between group3 and group1, P>0.05. Conclusion The efficiency of the first and the third method are similar.They are much more efficient than group2.The third method is much more suitable for those aged patients,and need't incision and without scar on the face.The third method is also easy to operate for the doctors.For all these mentionsd,it's actually the ideal method for treating chronic dacryocystitis nowadays.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries
chronic dacryocystitis
surgical method