目的探讨 Turner 综合征(TS)患者在不同年龄阶段分别采用 GH。雌/孕激素治疗,观察其身高及性征发育的影响。骨龄(BA)<12岁的9例,采用国产人促生长激素(rhGH)治疗,在 BA>12岁,年龄15~22岁患者6例。采用诺坤复(Estrohon,17-β雌二醇)1mg/d,或倍美力(premarine)0.625mg/d,治疗3~6月后,(即用以上两种药中的一种)用药22天后,加用安宫黄体酮20mg/次肌注(隔日一次),共3次,以后月经第五天再重复上述的序贯治疗。结果用 rhGH 一年后9例 TS 患者平均身高由原来的3.34cm/年增至6.61cm/年,采用雌/孕激素治疗序贯疗法治疗6例患者月经均来潮,乳房由原来的 TannerB1-2→B3-4期,大小阴唇均有不同程度的发育。结论 rhGH 及雌/孕激素序贯治疗,对 TS患者的身高及性征发育有肯定疗效。
Objective To observe the response patients with Turner syndrome(TS)of various age stages after treated with recombinant hu- man growth hormore(rhGH)and estrogen/progestin(E/P).Methods All patients were divided into two groups by bone age(BA):group A (9 cases)with BA<12 years and group B(6 cases)with BA>12 years.Group A was treated with rhGH.Group B was treated with Estrofon(17β -estradiol)with the dosage of 1mg.d^(-1) or Premanhe with the dosage of 0.625mg.d^(-1) for 3~6 months,then with the same dosage with anyone of them for 22 days,and was follow treated with proverd with the dosage of 20mg.d^(-1) every other day.The treatment mentioned above of group B was repeated since the fifth day of menstrual cycle.The response was measured by height and sexual characteristic.Results GroupA:after one year treatment with rhGH,the average height increastment increased from 3.34cm,y^(-1) to 6.61cm y^(-1).GroupB:After the treament with E/ P.all the cases had menstrual cycle the breasts had developed from stage B1 to Stage 4(Tanner stage),the greater and lesser labium of puben- dum had developed in vanivs degrees.Conclusion The treatments with rhGH and E/P have affirmative effects on patients with TS.
Bulletin of Medical Research