n this paper,it was reported that the changes of trace element(such as zine,copper andiron)content in the serum, RBC and urIne ot 360 cases or patlents with lung-qi inrvtflclencyCOPD before and after treatlnent.In the serum, the Zinc and iron value in COPD group werelower tban that of normal pelson(controlled group)(P<0.01);but the copper value in COPDgroupwas hlgher than that of controlled group(P<0.01);in RBC,tke Zinc value was higher,while the copper value was lower than that of cOntrolled groul)(P<0.01);in urilte,tbe ZInc val-ue was higher but the copper value was lower thau tkat of controlled group(P<0.01).After treatment, the Zinc,copper and iron value in the serum,RBC and urine became nor-nlal respectively, compared with Controlled group(P>0.01).The results suggest that there should be some relation hetween the recurrence of the dis ea8e and imbalance oftrace elements.
Traditional Chinese Medicinal Research