按照云南省林业厅2004年5月颁发的《云南省森林资源规划设计调查操作细则》(试行)的技术标准对文山县2000年按旧标准调查的森林资源数据重新划分和统计。划分后文山县的有林地面积为58710 9hm2、灌木林地面积为48368 3hm2、森林覆盖率为19 84%、林木绿化率为36 43%。
According to the technical standards of Operational Regulations for the Forest Resources Design, Planning and Inventory in Yunnan issued in May of 2004 by Department of Forestry, the forest resources data of Wenshan county gained by the old criteria in 2000 have been re-divided and recounted. The result reveals that there are 58,710.9hm^2 of forest land and 48,368.3hm^2 of shrub, 19.84% of forest coverage, 36.43% of afforesting ratio.
Forest Inventory and Planning