There is a growing water resources shortage in China, while at the same time much of the precious water is wasted and abused. The phenomenon may be attributed to many reasons. The reason of unreasonable water allocation system is studied in this article. When water resources are undervalued, a rational user would increase his water consumption until its marginal return equals to its marginal cost. However, for lack of information, it is very difficult for the government to identify water resources price.To solve this dilemma, water trade among water users is recommended. The mechanism is built on a clear property rights basis, that is, water consumption permission is allotted to water users, the permission are tradable in the water market .If a user find the utility of an amount of water permission is less than its market price, he can sell it to the more efficient users. Thus, the water resources can be reasonably priced and efficiently used.
Water Conservancy Science and Technology and Economy