Journal of Yuncheng University
1王彩霞,陈忠明.CH_3OOH对大气OH自由基浓度水平的影响[J].自然科学进展,2006,16(7):859-867. 被引量:1
2王伯光,邵敏,张远航,吕万明,刘慧旋,张娜.机动车排放中挥发性有机污染物的组成及其特征研究[J].环境科学研究,2006,19(6):75-80. 被引量:59
3Qi Y, Matthew P. Fraser R J. Verification of a source -oriented externally mixed air quality model during a severe photochemical smog episode [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2007, 41(7):1 521-1 538.
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6Ma J Z, Richer A. Comparison of model-simulated tropospheric NO2 over China with GOME-satellite data [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40:593-604.
7Fishman J, Seiler W. Correlative nature of ozone and carbon monoxide in the troposphere: implications for the tropospheric ozone budget[J]. J Geophys Res, 1983, 88(6) :3 662-3 669.
8Stockwcll W R, Middleton P, Chang J S, et al. The second generation regional acid deposition model chemical mechanism for regional air quality modeling[J]. J of Geophysical Research, 1990, 95 (D10):16 343-16 367
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10Ravetta F, Jacob D J,Brune W H, et al. Experimental evidence for the importance of converted methylhydroperoxide as a source of hydrogen oxide( HO) radicals in the tropical upper troposphere[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2001, 106(D23):32 709-32 716.
1杨光飞,李思茵,李文丽.中国城市二氧化氮浓度的时空分布特征[J].环境科学与技术,2019,42(S02):200-206. 被引量:4
2熊言林,刘顺江.雾霾天气与化学[J].化学教育,2013,34(12):3-5. 被引量:4
3王晓燕.上海中心城区降水中低分子有机酸的特征分析[J].广东化工,2014,41(6):135-138. 被引量:9
4尤坤,张玉钧,刘国华,陈晨,高彦伟,何莹,张恺,贺春贵,鲁一冰,刘文清.基于FID的机动车尾气THC测量模块设计与对比实验[J].大气与环境光学学报,2017,12(1):43-49. 被引量:4
5冉献强.氮氧化物控制技术的研究进展[J].低碳世界,2017,0(19):3-3. 被引量:3
6马晓宇,梁雨,崔素萍,王志宏,王亚丽.稻壳灰制备TiO_2-SiO_2复合载体脱硝催化材料[J].材料导报,2018,32(22):3984-3988. 被引量:5
1赵治兵,王瑞,刘晓燕,刘志刚,马立志.顶空-气相色谱法测定底泥中氰化物含量[J].贵州农业科学,2015,43(4):68-70. 被引量:1
2陈昌兵,陈勇,刘欣伟,张文通.用于室内甲醛降解的TiO_2光催化材料研究进展[J].自动化与仪器仪表,2016(4):9-11. 被引量:2
3王燕,许雄飞.无分流/顶空自动进样气相色谱法测定挥发性卤代烃[J].化工技术与开发,2008,37(3):47-48. 被引量:3
4王建营,吴福丽,胡文祥,延玺,刘连英.超声催化DCC法合成邻苯二酚类铀促排化合物[J].有机化学,2003,23(z1). 被引量:1
7徐慧,张晓宁,狄祥.秋水仙碱与DNA相互作用的电化学研究[J].分析化学,2009,37(A03):292-292. 被引量:3