Objective To study the lateral wall of lateral sellar compartment (LSC) and the sheaths of cranial nerves running through it in order to provide an anatomical basis for operative approaches involving the sellar region. Methods Serial histological sections of 45 human fetuses of well determined ages,as well as dissections under opera- tive microscopy in 10 adults were performed to observe the development and organization of the contents of the LSC. Results The later wall of LSC in the 14 to 19 week-old fetus have two components just as in the adult. The superfacial layer of the lateral wall of LSC is formed by dense organization of meningeal cells, and the deep layer is composed of mesenchymal cells around the oculomotor, trochlear and ophthalmic nerve complex. The oculomotor and the trochlear nerve possess meningeal sheaths which accompany the nerves into the LSC up to the anterior clinoid processs for the oculomotor nerve. The meninges of Meckels cave stop at the trigeminal ganglion, its branches and the remaining distal portion of the oculomotor and the trochlear nerve have only peripheral sheaths. The presence of arachnoid granulations into the LSC, around the trigeminal ganglion and near the oculomotor and the trochlear nerve may be one of the original of meningiomas in these areas. Conclusion Familiarity with the relationship between the structures of the lateral wall of LSC and the meningeal sheaths of cranial nerves is beneficial to the surgeon to preserve the uninvolved cranial nerve during operation.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai