20 0 3年5月~2 0 0 4年6月,在黑龙江省带岭林业局采用人工孵化技术,对野生花尾榛鸡卵和人工饲养花尾榛鸡卵的孵化率及其影响因素进行比较研究,野生花尾榛鸡卵的孵化率为74 4 0 % ,人工饲养条件下花尾榛鸡卵的孵化率为4 1 4 1%。对孵化率进行T检验,其T =7 830 ,df=10 ,T >t10 ,0 0 1=2 76 4 ,差异极其显著。分析认为,产生花尾榛鸡卵孵化率差异主要是因所食食物和栖息生境的不同所致。
From May 2002 to June 2003, the egg hatching rate and its influencing factors were studied by artificial incubation between the hazel grouse in field and the hazel grouse in captivity under the same condition at Dailing Forestry Bureau, Heilongjiang Province. The result shows that the egg hatching rate of hazel grouse in field is 74.40%, and hazel grouse in captivity is 41.41%. The value is 7.830 by T-Test, and the difference is extremely significant as T>t 10,0.01=2.764.This difference of egg hatching rate resulted mainly in the different components of food and various habitats of the hazel grouse.
Forestry Science & Technology