

Simulation and Analysis on P2P Network Model of RLP2P for Application Layer Multicast Protocol
摘要 数据通道质量、鲁棒性和控制开销是表征应用层多播性能质量的三个重要指标.对可扩展基于域的多层结构P2P应用层多播协议模型RLP2P的综合性能进行了仿真分析,通过与Narada应用层多播协议模拟对比分析表明,数据通道的伸展率优于Narada协议,增加5%;在链路和节点上产生的压力比Narada协议减少25%以上,且分布均匀,特别是多播组成员增加时尤其显著;控制开销比Narada协议减少60%以上,在域内节点数为100,其控制开销小于等于1Kbps,且维持在一个很低的水平;节点加入和非正常离开时的最大丢包率小于1%;Query消息平均延迟为8.5×10-2s,减少延迟达30%. Quality of the data delivery path, robustness of the overlay and control overhead are three important metric that about the'goodness'defined to evaluate the quality of the application layer multicast protocol. This paper, simulation and analysis on P2P network model of RLP2P for scalable application layer multicast protocol with multi-layer architecture based on region. We present simulations of both RLP2P and Narada application-layer multicast protocol. The results show that our protocol has lower link stress (by about 25%), improved or similar end-to-end latencies and similar failure recovery properties. More importantly, it is able to achieve these results by using orders of magnitude lower control traffic. The average group members established and maintained low-latency paths and incurred a maximum packet loss rate of less than 1% as members randomly joined and left the multicast group, and the average control overhead was less than 1 Kbps and has lower 60% for groups of size 100, and the Query average latency is 8.5*10-2 s, and has lower latency 30%. The stretch has over Narada protocol, and it increases by 5%.
作者 乐光学 杨弢
出处 《怀化学院学报》 2005年第2期86-89,共4页 Journal of Huaihua University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(60273075) 湖南省教育厅重点基金资助(03A036).
关键词 应用层多播协议 层和域 数据通道 鲁棒性 控制开销 P2P RLP2P 数据传输 application layer multicast protocol, layer and region, quality of the data delivery path, robustness of the overlay, control overhead, simulation and analysis.
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