目的鉴于国内外广泛用于判断记忆功能的WMS最高年龄组仅止于60岁组,而当今老龄化严重,故研究65岁及以上各年龄组WMS的参考值。方法共选二个群体501例中、老年对象(其中男439例,女62例),除外痴呆29例,余472例(≤79岁者284例;≥80岁者188例),均为初中以上文化程度或同等学历。结果按男女合并统计结果如下:1.量表分测定结果:①40 ̄59岁组:88.95±16.84;60 ̄64:85.98±9.07;65 ̄69:85.21±16.07;70 ̄74:72.10±21.45;75 ̄79:71.84±13.27;80 ̄84:70.50±19.20;85 ̄89:70.37±13.59;≥90岁组:68.89±11.11;②全组显著性测验F=11.86,P<0.01。2.MQ值测定结果:①40 ̄59岁组:97.90±16.91;60 ̄64:102.07±8.12;65 ̄69:100.00±14.59;70 ̄74:89.96±17.77;75 ̄79:88.39±12.19;80 ̄84:86.22±18.38;85 ̄89:86.89±12.98;≥90岁组:85.58±10.51;②全组显著性测验F=9.23,P<0.01。结论1.本组资料显示WMS量表分及MQ值在年青老年期及高龄期呈显著性逐步下降。2.本组高龄老人WMS测定结果虽与年青老年人有显著差异,但高龄后80 ̄84、85 ̄89及≥90岁组之间测定结果无显著差异。3.本组高龄老人各年龄组WMS测定结果可考虑作为初中文化程度以上高龄人群的参考值。4.我们的结果提示。
Objective To study the reference value of WMS in the oldest-old. Methods The WMS were performed in age groups of 472 cohort subjects: ≤ 79y, 284 cases; ≥ 80y, 188 cases; from 501 persons (M 439, F 62) with 9 yrs school education excluding 29 cases of dementia. Results 1. Performance value : (1) 40 ̄59y: 88.95±16.84; 60 ̄64:85.98±9.07; 65 ̄69: 85.21±16.07; 70-74: 72.10±21.45; 75 ̄79:71.84±13.27; 80 ̄84: 70.50±19.20; 85 ̄89: 70.37±13.59; ≥ 90: 68.89 ±11.11. (2) F=11.86, P<0.01. 2. Memory quotient (MQ): (1) 40 ̄59y: 97.90±16.91; 60 ̄64: 102.07±8.12; 65 ̄69: 100.00 ±14.59;70 ̄74: 89.96±17.77;75 ̄79: 88.39±12.19; 80 ̄84: 86.22±18.38; 85 ̄89: 86.89±12.98; ≥ 90: 85.58±10.51; (2) F=9.23, P<0.01. Conclusions 1. The performance value and MQ in the young old and oldest-old. age groups are decreasing gradually but significantly. 2. The performance value and MQ obtained in this study may be considered as the reference value of the oldest-old. 3.It is suggested that the criteria of diagnosis of AAMI may be defined as MQ<100, and performance value <83.0.
Geriatrics & Health Care