针对陆军武器装备作战需求论证综合集成环境(army equipment operation requirement demonstration integrated environment,AEORD-IE)建设的实际情况,在对模型与集成电路进行对比分析的基础上,提出了综合集成的总模式、6种宏观模式和3种微观模式,并进一步给出了综合集成模式实现的参考模型及实现策略.研究结果丰富和完善了综合集成方法及其应用.
Aiming at the actual circumstance of army equipment operation requirement demonstration integrated environment (AEORD-IE) construction, and on the basis of the comparison analysis between model and integrated circuit, the paper puts forward overall mode, six macroscopic modes, three microcosmic modes of meta-synthesis, and puts forward the suitable reference model and realizing strategy of meta-synthesis. The research result enriches and consummates meta-synthesis and (it's) application.
Journal of the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology