本文通过两个1/10比例的砖房模型的振动台试验,研究了横向配筋砖房和构造柱砖房的抗震能力。文中采用了人工质量模拟模型。试验分弹性阶段和破坏阶段,在弹性阶段输入了Pacoima、E1 Centro和宁河模拟地震加速度时程,破坏阶段则输入了宁河地震加速度时程。 试验结果表明:两个模型在台面峰值加速度为1.12g和1.37g时墙体出现裂缝,在1.81g和1.86g时两幢房屋严重破坏但均未倒塌。振动台试验证实了用构造柱及圈梁加固措施是房屋抗倒塌的一项有效措施。配筋砖房的变形比无筋构造柱模型大一倍以上,这表明配筋措施可以明显地改善砖砌体的延性性质。 文中研究了三条地震加速度时程记录输入下的模型加速度反应、位移反应、墙体应变反应以及模型破坏前后自振特性的变化等问题,还研究了房屋的破坏机理并利用有限元法对模型墙体进行了弹塑性计算分析。此外,还根据Weibull弱琏强度理论研究了模型尺寸的影响问题。
Shaking table tests of two 1:10-scaled brick masonry building models are described in the paper. The building models were strengthened with R.C. tie columns in the four corners. Besides, there were horizontal steel bars in the wall in one of the tested models. During test three accelerograms recorded in El Centre, Ninghe and Pacoima Earthquakes with increased scale of the amplitudes were used as the input motion.Test results show that strengthening with R.C.tie columns is a effective measure for increasing the collapse-resistance of the brick masonry buildings. The horizontal reinforcement may well improve the deformability and increase the ductility of the masonry walls. In the paper, the response of acceleration, displacement and strain and the characteristics of the shear type damage etc. Under different ground motion level arc given and discussed in detail.
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Dynamics