本文报道了非离子型X-CT造影剂碘海醇注射液的制备及动物实验结果。磺海醇的最大吸收波长λ_(max)为244nm。讨论了温度、浓度对磺海醇溶液粘度的影响:粘度随温度的升高而下降,呈负线型相关;粘度随浓度(C)升高而激剧升高,与浓度的四次方呈线性相关:V_(37℃)=472.589[C] ̄4+1.121(r=0.9977)V_(30℃)=663.813[C] ̄4+1.152(r=0.9996)V_(20℃)=1082.953[C] ̄4+1.433(r=0.9982)使用该注射液进行狗的造影实验,获得了清晰的造影图像。
The preparation and animal studies of non-ionic XCT contrast agent Iohexol injection are reported. The absorption spectrum of Iohexol shows a maximum at 244nm. The effects of temperature and concentration of Iohexol on viscosity are discussed. The higher the temperature, the smaller the viscosity. They are with negative line relationship. The higher concentration (C) of Iohexol, the bigger the viscosity (V). The relationship between them are as follows:V_(37℃)=472.589[C] ̄4+1.121(r=0.9977)V_(30℃)=663.813[C] ̄4+1.152(r=0.996) V_(20℃)=1082.953[C] ̄4+1.433(r=0.9982)With the injection, good images of dog are obtained.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging