It has been proved that excessive infusion ofmedium molecular weight dextran may interfere withblood grouping test , blood coagulation mechanismand endothelial system function. prolong bleedingtime and increase the tendency of bleeding or result inrenal insufficiency. The effect of excessive infusion ofmedium molecular weight dextran on the recovery ofedema is not yet very clear. This paper reports 92cases of exceptionally severe burn treated withinfusion of medium molecular weight dextran. Patientsin the first group were infused with no more than 1, 500ml of the dextran and those in the second group morethan 1, 500ml. The time for the recovery of edemawas remarkably prolonged in the group of patientsreceiving excessive infusion of the dextran. Theauthors analyzed the causes of the prolongation of therecovery of edema and concluded that 1. the dextranwith an average molecular weight of 70, 000 varieslargely in molecular weight of individual molecules.Dextran with larger molecular weight is difficult to beabsorbed when coming out of the vessel and 2. thedextran binds more strongly with water than with protein.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers