There are three problems on the mind of theclinicians concerning burn wounds. 1. How todiagnose the depth of the wound? 2. What isfavorable to wound healing? and 3. How to select andideal drug for treating burn wounds?Modern technique such as B - mode ultrasonicimaging method can be used to detect the depth of thewound, but this technique is not yet popularized. Thepresence of bacteria on the wound may be favorableto epithelialization, but bacteria infection is always arisk.The application of MEBO .can solve theseproblems. MEBO makes possible for clinicians to havea dynamic observation on wound depth. It inhibitsbacteria growth therefore gets rid of the danger ofsepticemia. It promotes epithelialization by makingthe wound vitalized in a nonaqueous, lipoidenvironment. MEBT and MEBO would have morevitality and a more glorious future when combined withthe application of new high technique of modernmedicine.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers