目的 探讨国产金属被膜内支架经食管置入,治疗食管-气管瘘的疗效。方法9例中,男7例,女2例,年龄46-72岁,平均53.4岁。因放疗引起食管-气管瘘者食管癌3例,肺癌1例;肺癌支气管动脉灌注治疗后2例,手术后复发病人3例。全组病例均有饮水呛咳,吞咽困难,并均经手术或内镜病理证实,造影发现有食管-气管瘘口。病理结果为:小细胞肺癌2例;肺鳞癌 1例;食管鳞癌6例。支架上端呈漏斗状,上下长于病灶2cm,支架到位后,用直径 1.5 cm球囊导管扩张,封闭瘘口,固定支架。结果5例可进普食,4例进半流食,1周后改进普食。结论 带膜金属内支架治疗食管-气管瘘安全有效,是首选的治疗方法。
Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of intraesophageal metallic stent with a membrane in malignant esophago - tracheal fistula. Methods Nine patients with radiographically shown and surgically or endoscopy proven malignant esophago - tracheal fistula in which 3 cases of esophageal cancer and 2 cases of lung cancer were induced by radiotherapy, 1 case of lung cancer was induced by bronchioarterial infusion treatment and remainder 3 cases were due to postoperative reoccurrence underwent to set stent with 2 cm longer than superior and inferior segment of the lesion into the cancerous stenosed segment of the esophagus. The lesions histopathologically showed that pulmonary small cell cancer was found in 2 cases, pulmonary squamous cell cancer in 1 and esophageal squamous cell cancer in 3. Results After the operation 5 patients could immediately eat some common foods, 4 patients could eat some half- fluid foods and then changed into common foods after one week Conclusion The metallic stent setting into the cancerous stenosed segments of esophagus is a very safe and effective for treating malignant esophago - tracheal fistula and should be taken as a first selective method.
Journal of Practical Medical Imaging