目的 为甲状腺滤泡性癌的早期诊断及鉴别诊断寻找一种有效、简便可行的组织病理学辅助诊断手段。方法 应用免疫组织化学技术检索 49例甲状腺肿瘤 Ulex europeus 1 agglutinin(UEA— 1)结合性的变化。结果 UEA— 1结合性阳性率分别是滤泡性腺瘤 11例中 3例 (27.3% ),滤泡性癌 18例中 10例 (56.0% ),乳头状癌 10例中 9例 (90% )。对照组中单纯性甲状腺肿 10例全部阴性。 UEA— 1的染色类型为胞浆型,腺瘤囊性变囊壁的游离缘、乳头状癌的游离缘结合性增加。结论 UEA— 1的蓄积在恶性组织学形态及恶性生物学行为变化的较早出现, UEA— 1蓄积有助于甲状腺滤泡性肿瘤良恶性鉴别,作为癌初期状态预测的标志将是可能的。
Objective To explore a way of the differential diagnosis of benign thyroid follicular cell tumors and malignant ones.Methods An immunohistological investigation using Ulex europeus agglutinin I(UEA— 1)was conducted on surgical specimens of follicular carcinoma(n=18),follicular adenoma(n=11),papillary carcinoma(n=10)and adenomatous goiter(n=10).Results In malignant lesions,follicle- forming and papillae- forming epithelia showed positive staining with UEA- 1,in 9 of 10 papillary carcinoma and 10 of 18 follicular carcinoma(56% ),UEA- 1 positive areas covered 30% or more of the cytoplasm and the cut surface area of the lesions.However in benign lesions,UEA- 1 positive areas were non- existent in adenomatous goiter or only focal (3/11) in follicular adenoma.Conclusion Follicular adenoma did not stain or stained only focally and follicular carcinoma stained strongly with UEA- 1,it seem useful in differentiating benign from malignant follicular cell tumors.
Journal of Rare and Uncommon Diseases
thyroid follicular carcinoma Ulex europeus agglutinin I(UEA-1) immunohistology