本文总结了1978年4月~1991年10月对需要作同种异体骨髓移植的30个家族217人次进行组织配型检查。(1)HLA—A.B.C 位点;(2)供受体间淋巴细胞毒交叉试验;(3)体外混合淋巴细胞培养(MLC)检测 D 位点。结果发现家庭成员中 HLA—A.B.C 抗原与 MLC 有密切的相关性。提示组织配型在选择合适的供受体方面起着重要作用。在目前同胞供者难于找到的情况下,其父或母可能成为合适的供髓者。
The primaty experience on HLA typing and MLC in 217 family members of 30 patients with vatious blood disorders Who required to receive allogeneic marrow transplantation from April 1978 to Oct.1991 was summerized.Theses assays included:1)Typing of HLA-A/B/C loci;2) Cross-lymphocytotoxic assay between donor and recepient;3)MLC in vitro to determine whether the D locus is also matched between donor and recepient.The results suggested there existed close relationship between HLA-A/B/C typing and MLC.Among these 30 families tested,24 patients had 32 HLA identical donors with 59 haplotype compatible donors and 126 mismatched donors.3 extraordinary cases were found.1)insibs even the HLA-A/B/C loci were identical, due to the possible gene recombination,the D locus could still be difference,the MLC RI could be significantly increased;2)Of there existed one haplotype compatible between father and mother,the phenotype of their children will be identical with their parents at this time,the D lo- cus also was identical,so the MLC RI less than 2;3)Of the HLA-A/B/C loci between parents was identical,the phenotype of their children was also identical to their parents.The MLC RI< 2,this situation is quite rare in 24 patients who had HLA-A/B/C/D loci identical donors,11 cases received allogeneic marrow transplantation,9 cases had the evidence of engraftment,sug- gesting HLA typing played a very important role in choosing eligible donor and recipient Our data indicated though it's quite difficult to find a compatible donor,sometimes their parents might be- cone compatible donor.